✔️ Unlock your unique Success Signature by aligning your subconscious mind to your conscious biz ambitions

✔️ Let your Message evolve into a MOVEMENT for greater impact and income

✔️ Rewrite your Success Story so you can show up and share with conviction, purpose and influence


Let’s be honest, you’re not here to just dip your toes in the water. You’re meant to make WAVES. You know it and now it’s time to start living in!!!

This is a 5 week mini-mind for women with an Empire State of Mind, ready for soul-fulfilling success and catalytic results in your business!

BUT! Success isn’t just the financial milestones, it’s how you FEEL along the way and the unique impact you create in the world. In what I call the Trifecta of Success™, it’s part fulfilment. You get to actually be in your zone of genius, be paid for it and feel that deep sense of purpose, it’s contribution: you’re giving back to your community, to the world, and it’s achievement: the impact you create for others and yourself.

In 5 weeks, we are untethering ourselves from the subconscious stories keeping us small (oh yes, quantum healing is involved) we are unleashing your most creative self expression (marketing gets to be Fun!!!), we are creating the sacred sustainability that’s going to allow you to increase productivity AND profitability. Aaaaaand, my favourite part ? We are re-writing YOUR SUCCESS STORY. (Because it's one of the most important elements to connect with your audience and potential clients.)

I know you’re ready to skyrocket to your next level at lightning speed. Imagine untangling a few subconscious beliefs and it unlocks a whole new level of ease. Don’t believe me ? Even better! Let me show you the synergy you can create in your business when confidence, self belief + resilience are running the show!

With me, it’s subconscious psychology meets science meets spirituality. You could say… it’s practically magic!

In the Atomic Success MiniMind, you get my FULL attention, there’s micro-lessons and activations I’ll be sharing and the rest of the time is on YOU, your business. Hot spot on YOU and your needs.

This is a unique blend of aligned strategy, energetics, somatics and live masterminding together.

Ready for your ultimate expansion and to tango with my favourite S words: Somatic + Subconscious Success, Self Expression, Sovereign Sales, Sacred Structure & Sustainability and Story Alchemy.

Let’s goooooooo!!!!!!!!

5 weeks. 5 potent themes:

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH: We are defining what success means and how it feels to you, in a way where you WIN, every time. Your experiences create your belief system and we’re doing the deep shadow work to connect some dots and untangle some belief-paradigms around sacrifice, hard work and my favourite “nothing ever works for me”. Ready to rewrite the lyrics of your success anthem ?! Week 1 is the ultimate deep dive into your subconscious AND into somatics. When you learn to make decisions from your body wisdom and your heart, instead of battling with your mind, you see results at lightning speed! We’re also going to be talking about BOLD moves (& SLOW moves ;): becoming the expert in identifying your success/visibility saboteurs so you can step out of your comfort zone, embrace growth and actually experience the results you desire.

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH: If there’s one thing I know from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs, you’ve only scratched the surface of your message and in week 2, we are literally uncensoring and stripping back to the heart and soul of your message AND * how * you desire to express it in your business (no dancing on tiktok required haha) Think your message is clear? We’re going a level deeper. With a focus on subconscious psychology, I’ll help you pinpoint what you want to say AND the confidence to say it. We’re turning your message into a MOVEMENT. lights…camera…and ACTION! (pssst; incase you didn’t know, I am the Truth Speaker and can eliminate allllll the boring “ideal client avatar” work. We are simplifying to amplify!

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH: Manifestation, meditations and affirmations are all incredible for your nervous system, but have you ever tried creating predictable income?! Sustainability is sexy and so is creating your MRR (monthly recurring revenue) because nothing kills creativity and energy more than scrambling each month to fill your programs or sign clients. Success is simplicity and that means creating structure in your business. Building your audience, creating pathways for people to find your work and never start a month at zero again. It’s time to put your CEO crown on and create profitability on repeat.

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH: Your success story IS magnetic and what creates resonance with your audience and clients…but I bet you think you don’t have a compelling story OR it feels edgy, arrogant or uncomfortable to talk about how amazing you are. We’re changing that and THIS is my favourite thing to teach ever (hi, I have a Masters degree and wrote my thesis on the power of story) Not only will we be transforming your Inner-Success-Narrative, we’ll also be re-writing YOUR SUCCESS STORY that you tell the world! I’m gong to show you how to develop your distinct storytelling style so you can establish your voice in the industry.

TUESDAY OCT 3: The new feminine paradigm of success is here and it’s all about ethical, sovereign sales. We’ll be anchoring into the power of your work '(which creates confidence) in tandem with the communication of HOW you help people. It is 100% possible to share your work without feeling like you need to convince people or dwell in their pain points.


We kick off Tuesday Sept 5th at 12pm EST. We have 5 live calls together and each call will focus on a theme, with a micro-training and the rest of the time we are mini-minding and focusing on YOUR expansion!! No one gets left behind. No question unanswered.

-5 live calls

-1 atomic success embodiment practice and 1 throat chakra activation

-creative feedback on your message and story

-private FB community

-VIP includes 3 private intensives

Includes 5 live calls of teaching and mini-minding, 1 somatic success embodiment practice, 1 throat chakra activation

Includes 5 live calls of teaching and mini-minding, 1 somatic success embodiment practice, 1 throat chakra activation, PLUS 2 private intensives and 3 days/week high level Voxer voice note access

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I’ve built two businesses to six figures & beyond. After working with hundreds of women over the last 9 years, I’ve identified the trifecta of Visibility Saboteurs™ that hinder your ultimate expansion and fullest expression of who you are. Once we move through this, you catalyze your results, your bank account & your confidence.