How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams? (Kill me softly)
How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams?
This wonderful little video sums it up.
As a child, I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do with my life. But as the years went on, all the external voices kept telling me no, no no.
::it's not possible
::you'll never make a living
::there's too much competition
::you're not talented enough
Just before my 26th birthday, I attended an acting & success workshop with top LA acting coach Bernard Hiller in Paris.
--- Exercice # 1 : Tell a complete stranger your life story ---
I was down on my knees, sobbing into the lap of a complete stranger. Tears gushed down my face as I begged + pleaded for a second chance to make my life right. I begged God to let me live. I begged myself to be strong enough to fight for my life. I screamed at the top of my lungs every reason I was angry, for every person who wronged me or hurt me. I sobbed to the point of dehydration for every reason I was sad in my life.
I gave up. I stopped fighting for myself and my future because I felt like others already gave up on me.
This is NOT the life I was dreaming of. This is NOT the life I had planned for. By the age of 25, the harsh realization that my dreams and goals were not coming true stabbed through my soul like daggers. How could I get so off track ? How did my life end up like this ? What went wrong ?
What was a quiet whisper my whole life became loud screams. I could no longer avoid the inevitable.
Psssst ! Those whispers that turned into screaming pushed me to create this:
NOT following your dreams is what my friend & soulsister Estelle Matranga calls a SLOW SUICIDE. (read her fabulous article here!)
:: Are you wondering why you are unfulfilled ?
:: Be honest
:: What dream or aspiration did you give up on ?
:: When? Why?
:: Who's judgement made you believe you couldn't do it ? Friends? family? a boyfriend? girlfriend? teacher? boss? complete asshole/stranger?
:: How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams?
:: Why are you really suffocating your true life calling?
Your life is fucking waiting for you.
Go for it now!!
(Thank you to my friend Estelle Matranga who inspired this after a white hot firey soul discussion.)
Brittany Hammond is a personal brand strategist, filmmaker and author.
As the founder of Untamed Lifestyle & Business, Brittany works both online and locally with business owners to create a powerful public persona, an intriguing brand story and a sustainable business.
She is also the co-founder of Le Jeu d’auteur:Stage Intensif & Le Showcase à l’Américaine, a powerful program of live workshops and on-going classes that help actors discover their unique qualities and bring them fourth on stage or on screen.