3 Ways The Mother Wound Affects You

3 Ways The Mother Wound Affects You (a MUST watch!)

3 of the most damaging (yet fixable!) generational messages passed on from the Mother Wound + society:

+ “You must work REALLY hard and sacrifice yourself for money”

+ Dysfunctional coping mechanisms, Adult Children of Alcoholics

+ Prince Charming is coming to save you (financially) 👯‍♀️

This is a snippet from my interview with Gaby Abrams, there were hundreds of comments of women relating! If you've done ALL the personal development + healing work and you keep landing back at "I just don't feel good enough or worthy", I suspect a Mother Wound is at the root of it!

Learn more about how you can heal this and thrive in your relationships, life + business;


This is an 8 week journey to:

  • Amplify your capacity to speak your truth, message or teachings, so you can make the impact you know you’re meant to.

  • Honouring your own boundaries over accomodating other people's feelings (partners, clients included!)

  • Reconnect to your sense of self worth, self love and belonging

Make Some Noise is an 8 week private mentorship to trust in yourself, trust others, speak your truth and embody sovereign boundaries.

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