Heal Your Soul Story - Own Your Brand Story

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Have you ever felt like a period of pain from your past - is stopping you from experiencing the kind of connection you crave? Whether that be in your entrepreneurial journey or otherwise?


One of the best parts of my work is showing others that they're NOT ALONE - and releasing them from the seemingly disconnected parts of their past. 

As I embarked on my own journey of healing, self love, reclaiming worthiness, I noticed that all the clients and projects I were attracting had a similar core theme:

They were looking for FREEDOM…. To just be themselves
They were looking for THEIR way to do things….and not just fit into a box 
They were on a QUEST of self-discovery

ALL this, so that they could truly step into their higher selves, and launch that business, master their sales calls, record that EP, write that book, launch that group program....

And it hit me ….

My own process of branding has been a rather holistic approach. 
Starting from the inside.

Why ?

Because I myself, even with over a decade of experience in film + branding… could not for the life of me…. OWN my talent and expression until I healed my own wounds.

So… naturally….

I help my clients with the same process.
I hold up the light for them.

And what about you - does the quest for freedom resonate with you? 

How deep into your story are you willing to go to claim that freedom? 


My work is all about helping you own your Soul Story - so that you can create your Signature Brand Story and get your work out there.


And, there is a difference, and it DOES matter which one you're tapping into.

Stay tuned later this week to learn what a soul story even is....and why being able to name it is so important for your business and creative life. Plus, discerning the difference can give you the piece of mind to explore both, without feeling like a split personality - or worse - a liar, or a fake. 

if you KNOW that you need help with this, and you're ready to gather the threads and braid them together - Claim your 1 Month Brand Story intensive Now. 


There’s TWO versions of this program……

The one month jumpstart (Brand Story Awakening) >> www.untamedrevolution.com/brand-story-intensive


Claim your 1-month Brand Story Intensive!

The REAL deal 3 month: BRAND, INTERRUPTED >> 


Brand, Interrupted: 90 Day Brand Story + Video Strategy Mentorship

For high performing, heart centered coaches, artists and entrepreneurs who are TOP LEADERS and are ready to shine on camera, fully express their message, gain more confidence and LEVERAGE the power of their brand story.


Who this is for:

+ The woman who wants to take the world by storm with her message

+ The woman who is the rule breaker, the disruptivator

+ The woman who no longer wants to hide behind her quote graphics + words because SHE KNOWS her spoken message is so much more potent and powerful

+ The woman who is not willing to wait another effing day to claim her desires

+ For the woman who wants to let go of the stories (lies) she’s been telling herself

+ For the woman whose dreams + desires are no longer whispers, but a loud calling

+ For the woman who is ready to elevate her online presence and expand her impact

What it’s like working with me:

+ A creative + intimate mentorship experience

+ A safe container and space for you to grow, expand, for us to CO CREATE

As a triple clair- clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant,

I see you, I feel you, I know you.

Ready? Let’s do this!

Brittany HammondComment