Holiday Madness :: Does Your Family Trigger You Too?! { Tips Inside }

 Is it ever hard to go home for the holidays?

Do you feel like the NEW you collides with your old world and makes a big clash?

(please, please tell me I’m not alone!)

I just arrived back in Toronto to celebrate the holidays with my family. We were out tree shopping when I ran into a childhood friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen in almost a decade.

As my mom and I were sort of politely disagreeing (aka, bickering) away about which tree decorations we wanted, (I wanted the Christmas owls, she wanted just classic red ribbon) my old friend runs up to us and squeals the worst possible thing I could imagine…

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It was then and there, I had a choice: feel triggered and irritated. OR, be conscious of my reaction, and remind myself ‘it’s okay. I know who I am. I know what I stand for. I have changed. I love myself.” 

I know how frustrating it can be when you go through your old personal transformation, but the people around you can’t seem to accept and embrace the new you. Being the face of your brand + business does bear quite the responsibility after all..

If you were the shy and quiet one like me, then I know you understand how brave I had to be to express my opinion, share my voice and well, decide to empower myself by buying the owl JUST because it makes me happy- and I don't need to justify that to anyone! (#sorrynotsorrymom)

ere are my 3 holiday tips for getting through the holidays:

#1- Be conscious + aware: be the observer in your life, not the reactor

If Aunt Carol or Grandpa Bill are triggering you by asking too many intrusive questions, doubting your business or your dreams, remember, firstly, you never need to justify yourself. And also try to see where they are coming from. What limiting beliefs are they projecting onto you ?

( Side note: my grandma, bless her soul, still always alludes to me finding a rich husband to take care of me. #welcometocentury21)

#2- Take inventory on all the ways in which you have changed / or totally stepped into your highest self

Do certain family members or friends always seem to treat you the same way? Do you fall into old patterns or family dynamics? Do they make comments like “oh, you’ll never change!” or "your sister Janet has got things figured out, why haven't you?!"

Take this as an opportunity to really step into your power and stand your ground. Be brave enough to be yourself.

#3- Use the holidays as a time for reflection. Dive into some journalling. Do some meditation. Really try to quiet your mind and get clear and ready for what awaits you in 2018!

For me, branding is about taking a stance about who you are, how you want to show up in the world. It’s about being bold. About unapologetically, being you. How can you be in the drivers seat of creating your brand perception?



Okay, bonus tip #4- Take some time to plan out your brand strategy for 2018 avec moi!

Here are two options for you, that fall under two different and affordable budgets!

Option 1- Short & Sweet 60 Min Brand Story Clarity Intensive for $111.

60 mins of creative brainstorming to help you become the best version of yourself and elevate your brand for 2018.

Option 2-  Brand Story Awakening, 3 month 1:1 program. ( There's still two $300 OFF coupons available!! but hurry!)

I have opened up my entire Thursday + Friday morning for you to book a complimentary Brand Story Magic Call to see how we can take you and your brand to the next level in 2018.


Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll accomplish together in the Brand Story Awakening program:

  • Honing in on your story + the defining moments in your life

  • Mapping out the key points of your Signature Brand Story

  • How to show up confidently and powerfully as you

  • Pinpointing how your story relates back to your dream client/customer or audience

  • Sharing the most truthful, authentic + inspiring parts of your story

  • Planning a photoshoot that showcases your personality and embodies your style.

  • Brand Video: creative direction, coming up with relatable story concepts, location scouting, script writing, storyboard mapping

When you feel good about yourself + your brand, you are excited and confident to put yourself out there. When you're crystal clear on your core message, teachings, philosophy, you want to shout it from the rooftops. That's when you're in your sweet spot! That's when money, clients + new projects and media exposure flow in.

We'll spend this time together to see how we can create brand magic together. This is NOT a hard-pressure sales call. #NotMyStyle I only work with people who feel in complete alignment with me and if we share the same energy + intentions! So, don't be shy - I am here to support you!

As Maya Angelou says, “there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”, so let’s get youSI {{ subscriber.first_name }} proud, confident and excited to share your story, spread your message and connect with those who need you!
