Magical Weekend à La Peetch (Food, Friends & France) With Makenna & Evie Johnston

Magical Weekend à La Peetch

The former summer home of Julia Child ( American chef, author & television personality, known for bringing FRENCH CUISINE to the American public back in the 1950's & 60's)


France is a beautiful country that comes with centuries of tradition- one of them being social etiquette. As much as I can be confronted with constant culture shock, I've found a certain beauty in the balance of French & North American culture. 

I had the pleasure of being invited to and Indulging in a weekend of food, friends & discussion by the fabulous, the intriguing Makenna & Evie

The Magical Weekend à La Peetch 

::::: Where it’s totally normal and acceptable to all stand in the kitchen, nibbling tidbits out of the fridge on the counter #goodbyetablemanners

::::: Where people don’t give you googly eyes when you say you’re a foreigner living in France but declaring your taxes in your home country

::::: Where a normally boring topic of taxes, real estate and politics can turn into TOP SECRETS OF LIVING IN FRANCE- how to scheme around the system ;)

::::: Where business-minded people understand and rejoice at words like “location independent” and “passive income” and “video series trainings”

::::: Where ideas, projects & dreams are encouraged and spontaneous brainstorming sessions can happen at any minute

::::: Where people understand that posting on social media IS INDEED an integral part of my business and not just a passe- temps / waste of time

But mostly, a beautiful rendez-vous bringing together people from around the world (or surprise people from your native town of Burlington!), enjoying a delicious meal, to-die-for PEACH WINE, in a home as iconic and enchanting as Julia Child.

Thanks Makenna & Evie for your hospitality, generosity and all around loveliness!

To many more soirées in the south of France <3

Check out their website where they offer cooking classes, retreats & rentals :

Also check out Melissa Shearer Photography if you're in the GTA (Canada) 



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