I want to but I can’t afford to ______ (fill in the blank)
How many times have you said this:
I want to but I can’t afford to ______ (fill in the blank)
> Grab a violon and cue the tragedy song!
I’ve said this more times than I can count. In fact, it kind of became a standard phrase in my vocabulary.
I want to but I can’t afford to :
- take a trip to India
- buy a vintage vespa
- produce short films
- go to a prestigious school
- donate money to charity
- buy a $100 victoria’s secret bra
- have a monthly yoga membership
- ….
There’s been a ton of projects that I’ve WANTED to do, or THINGS I wanted to buy but lacked the funds to finance them.
In Canada, as a requirement to graduate from high school we are required to do 40 hours of community service. I did mine with my best friend Katie Cyr at The Good Shepard Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.
It broke my heart to see people living this way. I could hardly look them in the eyes as I served them food. I just wanted to invite them all to live with me!
I knew I had to do something. I knew I had to help. Not out of pity. But because I wanted to make a difference and inspire people.
One of my ultimate goals one day is to open up a Soup Kitchen and provide food for those going through a difficult time. Not as a long term solution that people take advantage of, but as short term comfort to help people in need.
When I created my business, I went through several financial stages: in debt-just getting by-sweet spot-big sales-abundance
So when I set out to write this eBook 101 SECRETS OF UNTAMED ENTREPRENEURS REVEALED , I thought;
How can I give back?
How can I make a difference?
I’m not a millionaire (yet!)
I’m not a 6 figure earner (yet!)
But how can I give back and contribute to society in a small way ?
I searched out a ton of charities until my dear sister Nikki Jumper suggested Canadian charity BECAUSE I AM A GIRL.
The company values were completely aligned with what I am doing!!
That’s why part of my book sales are being directly donated to the program:
Will you help me raise $1000 ?
Grab a copy of my $12 eBook! I am donating part of the sales to this amazing cause that helps young girls blossom into their own girlboss by getting the education they need!
Share in the comments below about a time when you held yourself back because you lacked the finances. I want to but I can't afford to _______ (fill in the blank)
Let's find a way to brainstorm how you get find the money to get what you want!
xoxo Brittany