3 struggles that prevent artists-creators-entrepreneurs from SHOWING UP

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Have you ever poured your heart and soul into creating something and then DIDN’T share it with the world?

This is a pattern a lot of creative and soulful entrepreneurs fall into.

Because 50% of the “battle” IS just showing up.

It’s the SECOND voice in our head (right after gut instinct) that convinces us all the reasons why we shouldn’t put something out there.


I’m curious to know, of these 3 categories, which voice shows up?

+ Other people’s projected fears?

+ Your own voice of insecurity

+ Your voice of self protection

Personally for me, I’ve spent most of my life, and a big part of 2019 taking my power and voice back, by:

+ ✨Tuning into my OWN beliefs

+ ✨Releasing the need to please

+ ✨ Reprogramming myself to know it’s SAFE to show up as myself

Ps- this is the DEEP work to break through to your next level.

It’s not always fun. It’s not always easy. But I can promise you….. Freedom and abundance are on the other side!

And the best part- you have the key inside you already to unlock this!

I have 3 spots left for my Visibility, Brand Story + Messaging Intensive. PM if you feel called to step into this journey together! <3


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