Without self love, can you fearlessly self promote?

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I want to share a personal story - one that has filled me with pride and shame all at the same time.

By the age of 20, I was running my first business with 3 full time employees

(INSANE, I know right ?!)

I truly believe that I was successful because I followed a system, I worked REALLY hard (too hard, but that's another discussion!) and I provided an exceptional service for people. (Did I mention it was a window cleaning business?!) And guess what...I was NOT the face of my brand. I excelled because I created personal relationships + rapport with my customers.

When I created Untamed Productions (formerly Untamed Lifestyle & Business) back in 2013, I suddenly found myself the FACE of my business and brand....and ALL of my doubt, shame + insecurities surfaced. I didn't really like myself or value myself.... so how on earth could I fearlessly promote myself ?

Authenticity + transparency is the new currency when it comes to marketing in this Personal Brand Era! We want to connect with people and ideas and we want to feel a part of a bigger mission!

3 things I wish I knew about being the face of my brand:

  • I had to learn how to really love myself and own my gifts and talents in order to fearlessly self-promote myself

  • I had to really understand my core message, what I stood for, what I'm taking a stand for and how my teachings can impact my clients and audience

  • Surrounding myself with like-minded people and delegating in areas of my weakness were KEY in continual growth + support

I remember at a conference last year, someone blurted out to me

“Brittany, you just need to get over your childhood wounds.”

It was abrupt.

It was true.

But it also wasn’t helpful.

Because it invokes shame

For not being able to get it together

For not progressing quick enough

For not having the confidence yet...

Personal branding for me has always meant knowing yourself SO well + boldly declaring it to the world.

And in my work, I’ve noticed that the way I brand people, stories, concepts + themes is a holistic approach.

Getting to the root cause.

Because telling someone they just need to get over it, work harder, push through

ISN’T always helpful, or productive.

(Personally, I worked with a trauma therapist to unravel years of conditioning)

So, if you are deeply struggling with putting yourself out there, showing up, sharing your message on camera, just know that you don't need to bully yourself to success.

I went from perpetual self-betrayal and into self-trust.

Long term effects / consequences of dimming your light + not sharing your message / talent / expertise:

+  feeling miserable, unfulfilled, “dead” inside

+ taking a job that sucks the life out of you

+ increased irritability, crying spells and depression

+ hiding behind the scenes instead of being the one on stage

+ guilting yourself for not seeing the same results as other biz owners, artists or industry leaders

+ constantly wondering what’s wrong with you and why you can’t get it together

When you weigh the stakes… what is it costing you to NOT boldly (or even quietly) pursuing your dreams ?

xoxo Brittany

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PS - Did you catch my live interview with Megan Seamans about: "The honest conversation about the unsexy mindset work vs. the sexy 10k months and WHY you don’t have to follow industry marketing/ messaging trends" ???

Watch the replay HERE. You do NOT want to miss this!