Do you know what your brand story is?

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Anytime you meet someone new, at social gathering, a network event, an interview, a discovery call….. You know that ONE question is coming.

You check out of the conversation as you start rehearsing in your head

Your palms start sweating

There’s a lump in your throat

So, what do you do? What’s your story?

​You may fumble through your words

Go on a side tangent about your childhood pet....


Why is it SO hard to communicate our story in a succinct, concise and powerful way?

​My name is Brittany Hammond (as you may know already!) - I’m a filmmaker and story +message + visibility mentor. I help creatives, entrepreneurs, leaders and visionaries tap into the core essence of their message and leverage the power of their story to help elevate their business and grow their mission.

In my Signature Brand Story Intensive, we create the answer to that ONE question.


This ONE question can often trip people up, and prevent them from talking about their business in a way that lights you up, in that energetically contagious way that lights up your audience too.

​When we don’t feel grounded or confident in ourselves or our message, that’s when we end up talking in circles and confusing people. That’s when we dim our light, and undervalue ourselves.

(and trust me, I've been there!)

Something that I have become known for is helping people speak their truth - sounds like an abstract concept right ? I know at any given moment, HOW to break down what that means, in an understandable way.

​Over the course of my journey / career as an entrepreneur, award-winning performer, film maker and story mentor, I know the power of story, presence and confidence.

You can have the BEST service/product but if people can’t connect to your message then they either 1- won’t hire you or want to collaborate or 2- they won’t feel confident in investing with you.

You might be like me, and thinking “I’m multi passionate, multi talented, how on earth can I ever describe what I do in a way that captures the true value of it all ?

You might even have a little bit of “multiple brand personality” happening because you can’t quite fine tune your mix of skills, talents, degrees and experiences into ONE concise message of how you help people.

I hear you, I’ve been there! And it’s no fun being the highly skilled, yet underpaid entrepreneur!

I want to introduce to you the V.O.I.C.E. methodology I created, after having worked with dozens of artists and entrepreneurs. It’s a holistic approach aligning your inner world to creating an accurate reflection of your outer world- meaning your branding + messaging!

We focus on the core pillars of visibility mastery, owning your truth, infusing your story, cultivating self trust and embodying your message.

My Signature Brand Story Intensive is a 1 month creative and intimate mentorship container to help you:

  • Map out the defining moments in your Signature Brand Story and how you can create + leverage content that builds a deeper connection so that people instantly understand WHY they need to work with you

  • Express the value (aka val-YOU!) in your offers/message so that you can attract the right clients, customers or audience

  • Heal any visibility wounds that hinder your ability to put yourself out there so that your work can reach more people

PLEASE NOTE: the investment will be increasing from $444 to $687 on August 30th. This is the LAST opportunity to work with me at the lowest investment ever.

This package includes:

+ My Signature 10 page Welcome Pack to help you gain clarity on what direction you want to take your brand

+ 90 min kick off intensive focusing on 1-2 areas of your choice

+ Two 60 min creative strategy sessions

+ 30 days of email support throughout the month

+ Bonus: Access to my Conscious Content Creation workshop

I’ve seen my clients go from being an insecure acting student to out there auditioning and landing roles, starting brand new businesses from scratch and landing clients within 2 months, from running live events with 10 people showing up to over 200, to being able to create a community and movement around their message, to some of my brand videos generating thousands of dollars in revenue.

The tangible results are GREAT. But what I also love is the transformation I am able to help facilitate my client through: knowing how to trust her inner mentor, having the courage to create healthy boundaries in life or business, break the co dependency around being liked, feeling safe to show up and be visible.

3 things happen when you get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your story:

+ You’re confident AF in promoting yourself, your business, your products or services.

+ Sales become E-A-S-Y because people already know that you are the BEST of the best to help get your clients results and transformation.

+ You get NOTICED and suddenly invited to speak, featured on interviews, podcasts, summits, events, etc.

There’s a fourth thing that happens:

+ You feel a sense of inner peace in understanding your journey, gifts, and talent and how you use it to fuel your purpose.

PLEASE NOTE: the investment will be increasing from $444 to $687 on August 30th. This is the LAST opportunity to work with me at the lowest investment ever.

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