Sacred Sustainability In Your Business

One of the best things I did for myself, in my business, was to understand my Success Signature.

At first, it started as believing my success was a fluke.

You know, when you’re guessing (throwing strategy spaghetti at the wall!)

But then came mastery, confidence and understanding:

Understanding WHAT works. WHAT creates results. WHAT creates resonance in my audience.

Sacred sustainability + profitability looks different for e-v-e-r-y–o-n-e.

Because it requires you to know YOUR it factor, that unique AF way you help people, your sales style, your expression style and your communication frequency.

And we are ALL unique. We all have different voices. We all have different messages and movements.

Are there timeless success principles?

Yes of course!

But it’s not as black & white as you may think.

And you definitely don’t need to shame spiral when things “aren’t working”

It’s just an invitation to pivot and refine.

Let it be FUN. Experiment, with a childlike mind!!!!

In the Atomic Success Mini-mind, one of our sessions is solely focused on creating sacred structure and intention in the way you run your business.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that if we don’t enjoy the process (ex: of marketing) then we won’t enjoy the results.

HOW we run the business and HOW we work with clients is equally important!

​This is why your unique success signature is at the forefront of this mini-mind.

I’m weaving together the mind-body-heart connection in your business so you feel the freedom of expression, the ease of feminine-psychology based sales, the fulfilment of working with clients you love and creating a ripple effect of impact.

Other areas of focus include:

✦ Defining Success in a way where YOU WIN every time

✦ Making BOLD MOVES: learn how to navigate your own self sabotaging so you can step out of your comfort, embrace growth and actually experience the results you desire

✦ Self Expression: turning your message into a movement

✦ Story Alchemy: re writing your success story to amplify your biz impact

✦ Sacred Structure: running a business that is simple and sustainable

✦ Somatic Success: making decisions from your body not your mind

✦ Sovereign sales: sell ethically, sell like a woman

​It’s science meets psychology/subconscious meets spirituality.

​Beginning end of August, for 5 weeks. This is a unique blend of aligned strategy, energetics, somatics and live masterminding together!

In the
Atomic Success MiniMind, you get my FULL attention, there’s micro-lessons centered around ALL the S words, and the rest of the time is on YOU, your business.

​The early bird investment is $550 and regular price goes up to $888.

VIP includes 3 private intensives + select days of Voxer voice note access, for $1100!

join us!!!!!! Only a handful of spaces left!

Brittany HammondComment